Mode and Mode
Mode and Mode is concerned with experimental publishing and fashion. The project takes the form of a periodical and collaboration between editor Laura Gardner and designer Karina Soraya with each issue singularly exploring a fashion publishing subject.
January 08, 2020
Mode and Mode 7 launch at San Serriffe
Mode and Mode 7 launch at San Serriffe

Last December, D&K, Mode and Mode and Surpllus presented a special Melbourne launch party celebration and performance of D&K LOOK BOOK 2019 and Mode and Mode issue seven at Colour Nightclub on December 11. The event presented a performance of the two publications and the limited-edition ‘covers’ created by D&K (Ricarda Bigolin and Chantal Kirby) following our recent Europe launches.

Images show D&K special edition garment covers for D&K LOOK BOOK 2019/Mode and Mode issue seven photographed by Agnieszka Chabros. Styling by D&K and Blake Barns, and Hair and Makeup by Xeneb Allen.